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pas mango Consulting

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Your Human Capital 
We enhance your assets


Patrick is proud to announce the launch of his first book - 'Intuitive architect - John Morphett".

Patrick traces John's early passion for architecture and design from age 8 through to degree qualification at University, an innovative, contemporary exhibition, a decisive move to the MIT to gain his Masters in Architecture, working with Bauhaus (founder Walter Gropius), then returning to Adelaide to rejoin Hassell and lead them on a collaborative path to National and International growth. One of his crowning achievements is the Adelaide Festival Centre completed and opened in June 1973. [...more]


Patrick Mangan established pas mango Consutling in 1987 and has provided value to global organisations. 


Patrick is presenting at the ISDE (International Symposium on Digital Earth) in Sydney April 2 - 6th, where his topic is CAPACITY BUILDING IN PEOPLE IN A DISRUPTIVE ENVIRONMENT. See

Patrick's consulting approach is friendly, facilitative and professional. Establishing and maintaining effective relationships has been the cornerstone for over 30 years of Consulting.


Through the services we provide we can provide you with strategic and business directions, measured with our key performance indicators and comprehensive performance management

In the modern business world, change management is essential for the ever changing business environment and facilitated by our up to-date skills.

Through the use of profiling, we identify optimal business and career development opportunities for your human services, your people.


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